…i to Ahilovo.
Da se prisetimo najvećih, u predvečerje objavljivanja video-zapisa sa ponovnog okupljanja i prvog pravog koncerta, celih 27 godina nakon što je smrt člana benda dovela do prekida rada grupe…
Kako god bilo: Led Zeppelin je jedna od konstanti rock’n’rolla. Manje-više sve što su uradili za dvanaestak godina rada u punoj postavi pre Bonzove smrti, bilo je prvo u žanru. Nemojte me terati da nabrajam, jer nema smisla – ili već znate ili vas uopšte ne zanima. No, nema se šta dodati na to da su prvi epski bend u rock muzici i prvi među velikima. Lucidnost kojom su Jimmy Page i bratija izgradili svoj opus jedinstven je i zato su ostali najveći među vrednima.
Danas slušamo “Achilles Last Stand“, jednu od neobičnih numera iz njihovog (već) neobičnog opusa; album Presence (1976) je, izvesno, najteži za razumevanje među studijskim delima Led Zeppelina. A po rečima samog Pejdža, mnogo je razloga da se Presense smatra najvažnijim albumom grupe
I nemojte da me pitate šta je to što najviše volim u ovoj pesmi – možda je to razarajuća ritam-sekcija, pogotovo rad basa pri kraju; možda je to ludačka smena fraza dok traje razvoj pasaža; a možda i probadajuća gitara u onom neverovatnom solo-komadu. Ili sve zajedno?… Deset minuta prođe kao da su tri.
It was an April morning when they told us we should go
As I turn to you, you smiled at me
How could we say no?With all the fun to have, to live the dreams we always had
Oh, the songs to sing, when we at last return again
Sending off a glancing kiss, to those who claim they know
Below the streets that steam and hiss, the devil’s in his holeOh to sail away, To sandy lands and other days
Oh to touch the dream, Hides inside and never seen.
Into the sun the south the north, at last the birds have flown
The shackles of commitment fell, In pieces on the groundOh to ride the wind, To tread the air above the din
Oh to laugh aloud, Dancing as we fought the crowd
To seek the man whose pointing hand, The giant step unfolds
With guidance from the curving path, That churns up into stoneIf one bell should ring, in celebration for a king
So fast the heart should beat, As proud the head with heavy feet.
Days went by when you and I, bathed in eternal summers glow
As far away and distant, Our mutual child did growOh the sweet refrain, Soothes the soul and calms the pain
Oh Albion remains, sleeping now to rise againWandering & wandering, What place to rest the search
The mighty arms of Atlas, Hold the heavens from the earth
The mighty arms of Atlas, Hold the heavens from the earth
From the earth…I know the way, know the way, know the way, know the way
I know the way, know the way, know the way, know the wayOh the mighty arms of Atlas, Hold the heavens from the earth.
E sad sam se razočarao u jedan od omiljenih mi darkerskih bendova rane mladosti, nikada ne bih rekao da su mažnjavali tuđu muziku…