Na muzičarskim žurkama tokom šezdesetih i sedamdesetih bezbroj puta je nešto polazilo naopako. Često ništa nije štimalo u organizaciji i atmosferi. U takvim situacijama spasonosna rečenica je bila: “Zovite Jacksona”.
Jackson Browne je savršeno znao da pokrpi situaciju i užari atmosferu, a pomenuta rečenica je ušla u mit.
Pre nego što sam zaseo za tastaturu i nisam imao neku jasnu ideju o čemu ću da pišem. Prelistavajući naslove pesama ništa mi smisleno nije padalo na pamet, pa sam i ja potražio Jacksona. Sa njim nikada nema promašaja, a užitak je zagarantovan.
Kako se sa Jacksonom družim odmalena, postao mi je neka vrsta starijeg brata, tako da čitav njegov repertoar uglavnom znam napamet. U tome i jeste problem, jer volim skoro svaku pesmu koju je napisao, a ne bih da razglabam o njegovoj karijeri. Uostalom, pominjali smo ga na blogu mnogo puta, a Šef je nedavno nadugačko pisao o jednom od njegovih antologijskih albuma.
I ma kako Jackson bio jedan od omiljenih likova među muzičarima, sa ženama nije imao sreće. Ljubovao je sa Nico još kao tinejdžer, a nešto kasnije i sa Joni Mitchell. Kako znamo da iz bolnih raskida nastaju najbolje pesme, “Fountain of Sorrow” je ispevana kao refleksija na prekinutu ljubav.
Looking through some photographs I found inside a drawer
I was taken by a photograph of you
There were one or two I know that you would have liked a little more
But they didn’t show your spirit quite as trueYou were turning ’round to see who was behind you
And I took your childish laughter by surprise
And at the moment that my camera happened to find you
There was just a trace of sorrow in your eyesNow the things that I remember seem so distant and so small
Though it hasn’t really been that long a time
What I was seeing wasn’t what was happening at all
Although for a while, our path did seem to climb
When you see through love’s illusions, there lies the danger
And your perfect lover just looks like a perfect fool
So you go running off in search of a perfect stranger
While the loneliness seems to spring from your life
Like a fountain from a poolFountain of sorrow, fountain of light
You’ve known that hollow sound of your own steps in flight
You’ve had to hide sometimes, but now you’re all right
And it’s good to see your smiling face tonightNow for you and me it may not be that hard to reach our dreams
But that magic feeling never seems to last
And while the future’s there for anyone to change, still you know it seems
It would be easier sometimes to change the past
I’m just one or two years and a couple of changes behind you
In my lessons at love’s pain and heartache school
Where if you feel too free and you need something to remind you
There’s this loneliness springing up from your life
Like a fountain from a poolFountain of sorrow, fountain of light
You’ve known that hollow sound of your own steps in flight
You’ve had to hide sometimes but now you’re all right
And it’s good to see your smiling face tonightFountain of sorrow, fountain of light
You’ve known that hollow sound of your own steps in flight
You’ve had to struggle, you’ve had to fight
To keep understanding and compassion in sight
You could be laughing at me, you’ve got the right
But you go on smiling so clear and so bright
Jackson Browne je sam objasnio šta je hteo da kaže:
Ovo je pesma o razočarenju, ali i praštanju. Govori o tome da ljudi uvek traže jedni od drugih nešto što možda neće naći. Ono što mora da se prihvati je njihovo pravo da traže dalje i prave sopstvene izbore – čežnja ili tuga nisu posledica samo sopstvenih odluka, već i nečijih drugih.
Pretočiti sopstvena iskustva u univerzalna – e, to malo ko zna valjano da uradi u muzičkom svetu.
Dva dana i dva sata kasnije, evo iste pesme (doduše, u matičnoj verziji) na Radio Paradise.