Pre četvrt veka, “trbuhom za kruhom”, moj prijatelj se odselio u jednu od najbogatijih zemalja. Uskoro su počela da mi stižu “kilometarska” pisma u kojima mi je, do tančina, pripovedao o svom novom životu. U jednome od njih, na nekoliko stranica mi je opisivao svoj prvi susret sa šoping molovima, a kao čovek od pera, sa velikim darom za zapažanje detalja, učinio je da to štivo ne bude nimalo dosadno. Zaključio je, otprilike, ovako: “U molovima je sve napravljeno tako da iz njih ne izlaziš nekoliko sati i da ti se uzmu pare. Kada se umoriš od obilaženja radnji, sedneš u kafeteriju da se osvežiš i prikupiš snagu, gledajući ljude sa rukama punim kesa. I nastaviš dalje jer — kupuješ očima. I ono što ti ne treba. ”
U tom trenutku nisam ni slutio da će jedan od šoping molova izrasti u mom neposrednom komšiluku.
Na samu vest o njegovoj gradnji, moji sugrađani su počeli da ushićeno reaguju. Kada je otvoren, u krdima su pohrlili da osete čari čuda neviđenog. Ja nisam konzumerista, u nabavku idem ciljano i sa spiskom, a jedino što me je u toj ogromnoj građevini zanimalo je bio sinepleks, budući da su svi bioskopi u gradu odavno zatvoreni.
Bilo mi je potrebno godinu dana da po prvi put uđem.
I dok sam tumarao po molu, setio sam se pesme “Lost In Supermarket“. The Clash, tačnije Joe Strummer, u njoj je još davne 1979. godine prepoznao opasnost od preterane komercijalizacije i narastajućeg konzumerizma.
I’m all lost in the supermarket
I can no longer shop happily
I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personalityI wasn’t born so much as I fell out
Nobody seemed to notice me
We had a hedge back home in the suburbs
Over which I never could seeI heard the people who lived on the ceiling
Scream and fight most scarily
Hearing that noise was my first ever feeling
That’s how it’s been all around meI’m all lost in the supermarket
I can no longer shop happily
I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personalityI’m all tuned in, I see all the programs
I save coupons from packets of tea
I’ve got my giant hit discotheque album
I empty a bottle and I feel a bit freeThe kids in the halls and the pipes in the walls
Make me noises for company
Long distance callers make long distance calls
And the silence makes me lonelyI’m all lost in the supermarket
I can no longer shop happily
I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personalityAnd it’s not hear
It disappear
I’m all lost the supermarket
I can no longer shop happily
I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personalityI all lost the supermarket
I can no longer shop happily
I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personality(I all lost) I all lost the supermarket
(I all lost) I can no longer shop happily
(I all lost) I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personality(I all lost) I all lost the supermarket
(I all lost) I can no longer shop happily
(I all lost) I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personalityI all lost the supermarket
I can no longer shop happily
I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personalityI all lost
I all lost
I all lost
I all lost the supermarket
I can no longer shop happily
I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personality
Od vremena nastanka ove pesme do danas, stvari su samo eskalirale na gore. U megamarketima vas čekaju prodavci bez lica, sterilna muzika prilagođena “ambijentu” i gomila “potrošača” sa kojima nema šta da se podeli.
Danas u nabavku idem u malu radnju u komšiluku u kojoj me čeka prodavačica koja me dobro poznaje i može da mi sama pripremi dnevni bakaluk. Ona nije ni čula za The Clash.