
She lifts her skirt up to her knees
Walks through the garden rows
With her bare feet laughing

Ovi vešto sročeni stihovi odmah izmame osmeh na licu i zainteresuju slušaoca da pažljivo prati dalji razvoj događaja. Liče na one idilične fotke na društvenim mrežama kojima nas usamljenici zatrpavaju sve u nadi da će ih njihova lepota otrgnuti od surovosti života u kome se ne snalaze baš najbolje. Kako znamo da idila postoji samo u našim mislima, povratak u realnost ne mora da bude otrežnjujući.

Kako se i ispostavilo u nastavku.

I never learned to count my blessings
I choose instead to dwell
In my disasters

I walk on down the hill
Through grass grown tall
And brown and still
It’s hard somehow
To let go of my pain

On past the busted back
Of that old and rusted Cadillac
That sinks into this field
Collecting rain

Will I always feel this way
So empty
So estranged?

And of these cut throat busted sunsets
These cold and damp white mornings
I have grown weary

If through my cracked and dusty
Dime store lips
I spoke these words out loud
Would no one hear me?

Lay your blouse across the chair
Let fall the flowers
From your hair
And kiss me
With that country mouth
So plain

Outside the rain is tapping
On the leaves
To me it sounds like
They’re applauding us
The quiet love
We’ve made

Will I always feel this way
So empty
So estranged?

Well I looked my demons in the eyes
Lay bare my chest
Said do your best
To destroy me

See I’ve been to hell and back
So many times
I must admit
You kinda bore me

There’s a lot of things
That can kill a man
There’s a lot of ways
To die
Yes, and some already did
And walk beside me

There’s a lot of things
I don’t understand
Why so many people lie
It’s the hurt I hide that fuels
The fire inside me

Will I always feel this way
So empty
So estranged?

Till the Sun Turns BlackIako ne znamo šta se stvarno desilo, Ray LaMontagne biranim rečima objašnjava teskobu svog junaka i sve veću prazninu koja se u njemu stvara. Bol se može samo potisnuti za trenutak, a onda će se vratiti sa još većim intenzitetom.

Da li ćemo ostati zarobljeni u svojim emocijama zavisi samo od nas samih. Patnja zbog gubitka i depresivno stanje koje potom sledi ne mogu se izlečiti medikamentima ili posezanjem za čašicom.

Mudri potraže nečiju ispruženu ruku koju će čvrsto stegnuti i nastaviti dalje.