Knjiga o Jovu, zajedno sa Solomonovim pričama, Knjigom propovednikovom i Pesmom nad pesmama, pripada starozavetnoj, hebrejskoj književnosti. O njenom autoru/autorima se ništa ne zna, a pretpostavlja se da je sastavljena u V ili VI veku pre nove ere.
U njoj se govori o poreklu zla, patnji i nesrećoj ljudskoj sudbini. Iako Jov “bijaše dobar i pravedan, i bojaše se Boga”, Bog okleva da mu pomogne. Zbog toga Jov ima vrlo neprijatan problem: zna da je nevin, a i pored toga ispašta. Njegov svet je urušen, a patnje postaju besmislene. Zbog toga proklinje dan kada je rođen i dovodi u pitanje božansku pravednost…
Kako onda da se jedna arhaična priča spakuje u pesmu, ma koliko to bilo čudno?
E, za to je potreban majstorluk.
Hear now the tale of Job, a righteous man, who had a loving wife,
And ten sons and seven daughters. His fields were always ripe
With wheat and corn. He had ten thousand camels and five thousand sheep
And three thousand head of oxen. At sunrise
You would find him on his knees singing, “Yahweh Yehoa”.
Well, one day in the court of heaven,
All the heavenly host were gathered there in the presence of the Lord,
And Satan was there among them.Satan went to God, and God said, “Satan, Where you been?”
Satan said, “I been on Earth, among men.”
God said, “You must have seen my faithful servant, Job.
You must have seen his worth and how he’s evil’s foe.”
Job is evil’s foe. Yes, he is.Satan said, “Well, yes, God, Job is your man.
But if you struck him, God, well, what would he do then?
He’d turn his back on you and curse your name right to your face.”
God said, “All right, Bub, go and test his faith —
Go and try Job’s faith.”“O my God, O my God,” cried poor Job.
“I have lost everything I owned.
I lost my cattle, I lost my land.
You took my children, too.
I’m losin’ my mind and the love of my wife,
But I keep my faith in You.
I still have faith in You.“O my God, O my God,” can’t you hear Job?
He’s singin’, “This world can no more be my home.
My so-called friends speak biting words,
Telling me what to do.
My health is gone, I cannot rest,
But I keep my faith in You.
I still have faith in You.”And Job’s friends, they called to one another,
“Brothers! Righteous Job has fallen.
Come, let us go and give him what we can.”
Long, long they journeyed until they found Job
In the ashes of his burned-out farm.
And they sat down with him for seven days and nights in silence,
For they saw that he had suffered greatly.
But at last they could hold back no longer,
And with accusing fingers pointed at him they said,
“Oh, Job, what evil have you done to bring God’s wrath upon you?”
And at this time, down the road comes Elihu,
What took one look and thought he had the whole scene covered!
Waaaaow!That young man lectured Job until Job’s poor heart near broke,
And from the whirlin’ wind, God Himself spoke,
Sayin’, “Who’re these who claim to know my workings and all my ways?
Job has proved his faith and shall live joyous days.”
Yes, Job lived joyful days. Oh, yes, he did
Verovatno za grupu Seatrain nikada i ne bih čuo da slučajno nisam naleteo da odličnu, čvrstu obradu antologijske pesme “Willin’” grupe Little Feat. Ona me je povukla za uši, odmah se čuje da ovi momci znaju znanje, a kratak pogled na njihovu biografiju odmah baca novo svetlo na celu priču. U vreme kada je grupa nastala, njeni osnivači Andy Kulberg i Roy Blumenfeld su iza sebe imali dobru kilometražu u grupi Blues Project, poznatoj po tome da je svirala muziku koja je bila neobična mešavina rocka, jazza & bluza i iznedrila jednog od najuticajnijih američkih muzičara u tom svetu, Ala Coopera.
U ovakvo nasleđe Seatrain su dodali uticaje countryja i mrvicu progresive, pa je njihov debitantski album bio sasvim pristojan početak. No, stvari su se odmah posle toga zahuktale – njihov drugi album producirao je George Martin, što mu je bila prva produkcija posle rada sa Beatlesima, pa nije ni čudo što Seatrain II (1970), sa kojeg potiče “Song of Job“, gotovo savršen. A da sve ovo nije slučajnost, potvrdili su i na sledećem albumu the Marblehead Messenger (1971), ponovo u Martinovoj produkciji, koji spada u kategoriju zaboravljenih muzičkih dragulja.
Osokoljeni dobrim albumima, Seatrain su došli u Evropu da ih promovišu. Nastupali su, uglavnom, sa grupom Traffic. No, brojne personalne promene i žanrovsko lutanje su ih sprečili da postignu veći uspeh. Ugasili su se 1973.
Verovatno su se u tom trenutku, poput Jova, pitali zbog čega su izgubili naklonost bogova iz muzičke industrije.