Onomad me put naneo pored nekadašnje Robne kuće. Normalno, odmah me uhvatila nostalgija za prošlim vremenima kada je ona bila današnji šoping mol u kome se moglo naći za svakog po nešto, a čarobni svet za jednog osnovca se nalazio na spratu – na povelikom štandu su se mogle kupiti gramofonske ploče. Naravno, singlice, jer je bio kraj šezdesetih, a o albumima smo mogli samo da sanjamo. Danas je taj prostor sređen po poslednjoj modi, sav je u mermeru i staklu i više nema dušu. Miris olajisanog poda je odavno izvetrio…
U zlatno doba grupe Creedence Clearwater Revival, John Fogerty je, kao niko drugi pre i posle njega, izbacivao hitove svakih par meseci. I te singlice sa njima su, nekim čudom, redovno izlazile kod nas. A onda je moj primerak, zahvaljujući dobrim ženama iz Robne kuće, završavao ispod tezge dok ne sakupim dovoljno novca da ga kupim.
Ah, kakva su to bila vremena.
Fogertyjev album Centerfield (1985) kupio sam mnogo godina kasnije na sasvim drugom mestu. O peripetijama sa ljudima iz muzičkog biznisa koji su ovog vrsnog autora skoro deceniju izbacili iz posla već sam pisao, a jasno je što sam se za ovaj album odmah zalepio – posle toliko singlica CCR-a znao sam da sa njim nema promašaja.
“I Saw It on TV” je manje poznata pesma sa tog albuma. Briljantno je napisana kao nostalgična priča o odrastanju tokom pedesetih i šezdesetih.
They sent us home to watch the show comin’ on the little screen
A man named Ike was in the White House, big black limousine
There were many shows to follow, from ‘Hooter’ to Doodyville
Though I saw them all, I can’t recall which cartoon was realThe coon-skin caps, Yankee bats, the Hound Dog man’s big start
The A-Bomb fears, Annette had ears, I lusted in my heart
A young man from Boston set sail the new frontier
And we watched the Dream dead-end in Dallas
They buried innocence that yearI know it’s true, oh so true
‘Cause I saw it on TVWe gathered round to hear the sound comin’ on the little screen
The grief had passed, the old men laughed, and all the girls screamed
‘Cause four guys from England took us all by the hand
It was time to laugh, time to sing, time to join the bandBut all too soon, we hit the moon, and covered up the sky
They built their bombs, and aimed their guns, and still I don’t know why
The dominoes tumbled and big business roared
Every night at six, they showed the pictures and counted up the scoreI know it’s true, oh so true
‘Cause I saw it on TVThe old man rocks among his dreams, a prisoner of the porch
“The light” he says
“At the end of the tunnel was nothin’, but a burglar’s torch”
And them that was caught in the cover are all rich and free
But they chained my mind to an endless tomb
When they took my only son from meI know it’s true, oh so true
‘Cause I saw it on TV
I know it’s true, oh so true
‘Cause I saw it on TV
Zurenje u televizijski ekran je, svakako, jedan od ključnih proizvoda američke kulture nastao posle Drugog svetskog rata. Pesma pogađa u srž problema – najveći deo Amerikanaca i danas veruje u sve što mu se servira sa malih ekrana.
Samo što su se okolnosti promenile. Nekada se izveštavalo o događajima, a danas ih TV kuće proizvode.
Mislite o tome kada god uzmete dajinac u ruku.